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Shaping future leaders through classical education in st. augustine, Florida


Washington Classical Christian School is re-establishing what it means for students to have a lifestyle of learning. We mold and teach our students to be future leaders in their homes, communities, and the world, by instilling in them a quest for creativity and innovation, aspiration for achievement, and a passion for serving others.

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Shaping future leaders through classical education in st. augustine, Florida


Washington Classical Christian School is re-establishing what it means for students to have a lifestyle of learning. We mold and teach our students to be future leaders in their homes, communities, and the world, by instilling in them a quest for creativity and innovation, aspiration for achievement, and a passion for serving others.

parallax background

Shaping future leaders through classical education in st. augustine, Florida


Washington Classical Christian School is re-establishing what it means for students to have a lifestyle of learning. We mold and teach our students to be future leaders in their homes, communities, and the world, by instilling in them a quest for creativity and innovation, aspiration for achievement, and a passion for serving others.


We desire to glorify the Lord by assisting St. Augustine, FL parents in their God-given responsibility of educating their children, through godly teachers, with God’s word as the basis and center of all learning; teaching students the tools for life-long learning and for truly thinking and living biblically.

Enrollment is open now for k-12th!

Get more information about enrolling your child and starting their classical education career, today.

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Enrollment is open now for k-12th!

Get more information about enrolling your child and starting their classical education career, today.

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We desire to glorify the Lord by assisting St. Augustine, FL parents in their God-given responsibility of educating their children, through godly teachers, with God’s word as the basis and center of all learning; teaching students the tools for life-long learning and for truly thinking and living biblically.


The Grammar stage focuses on the mastery of knowledge, specifically the fundamental and foundational knowledge that will provide our students with a framework on which to build all future learning. Grammar refers not just to the fundamentals of English, but also of theology, history, mathematics, languages as well as other subjects and disciplines. The grammar stage seeks to address the questions of “who, what, where, and when?” The following video demonstrates the classroom atmosphere during a large portion of this phase of learning, which promotes the knowledge framework.


The Dialectic (or Logic) phase focuses on thinking properly and well. The students will learn how to order, relate and think through the knowledge they are gaining. This phase seeks to equip the students with sound thinking skills that will enable them to recognize when an idea or argument is sound, when one is not, and how to correct it. The Dialectic phase seeks to answer and address the questions of “why and how?”


The Rhetoric learning phase focuses on training the students to use written and spoken language to communicate their thinking clearly and persuasively. This is the phase of application and expression. At this phase, the culmination of all the knowledge gained is put to use in practical ways, through means of public speaking, problem solving in subjects like mathematics and science, as well as the arts.

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The Trivium seeks to instill in students a love for learning and give them the tools of learning so that they can both think and communicate clearly, fully, and biblically.


The Trivium seeks to instill in students a love for learning and give them the tools of learning so that they can both think and communicate clearly, fully, and biblically.


At Washington, here in St. Augustine, FL, we desire that our students enjoy a well-rounded student life that will encourage their development spiritually, academically, socially and aesthetically. Through this encouragement, we will see great improvement in the academics of our students.

  • Challenging academics
  • Creativity through arts & drama
  • Spiritual & physical training

Through it all, they are building lasting friendships.

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At Washington, here in St. Augustine, FL, we desire that our students enjoy a well-rounded student life that will encourage their development spiritually, academically, socially and aesthetically. Through this encouragement, we will see great improvement in the academics of our students.

  • Challenging academics
  • Creativity through arts & drama
  • Spiritual & physical training

Through it all, they are building lasting friendships.

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Take the plunge and start your child's classical christian educational career with Washington! We have affordable tuition and have a list of scholarship options available for you. Your child will love being a Washington Warrior!

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Take the plunge and start your child's classical christian educational career with Washington! We have affordable tuition and have a list of scholarship options available for you. Your child will love being a Washington Warrior!

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